Instruction: During the certain time you will be shown some numbers. Remember them. Then you should carry out tasks of each level. If you aren't able to complete all actions, enter how many you have remembered.
This exercise conduces to training of short-term memory that improves memorising and retaining much information for executing some mental efforts. When training you improve ability to deal with a wealth of information, at the same time remembering a great number of ongoing results.
This technique conduces to your rarer usage of a pen and paper when making complicated calculations as you will be able to easily retain all intermediate values in your memory.
The professional system of learning lessons iQ Teacher is created for the comprehensive and balanced development of the main functions of the brain. The exercises of iQ Teacher are suitable for all ages.
Thanks to these exercises schoolchildren’s ability to self-development and self-checking increases; the middle-aged and elderly people improve their memory and thought processes; their attention span and mental acuity increase.
iQ Teacher is an online learning according to a specially designed system of lessons which gradually develop perception, attention, memory and creative thinking, brain building, psychogeny. Only 15 minutes a day and rapid progress is guaranteed.
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Instruction: You will be shown a sample of the picture. By clicking the mouse on a white field necessary times, you should make the same picture as on the sample. Ornament options, which the sample consists of, are given below a field for task performance.
The technique conduces to development of nonverbal intelligence and constructive thinking. It gives opportunity to a person to get a coherent world view in many ways and, besides his point of view, to have many alternative ones. You improve the ability to transform any arisen in your path problem into a kind of task which should be completed. You train objectivity in assessment of a situation.
Instruction: You will be shown words. Remember them. Then you will enter these words. It is possible to enter words in any sequence.
By means of this technique a person trains his visual semantic memory. He sees how much information can be retained in his memory at a time (according to researches the average number is 7 +-2 words).
Training of this type of memory conduces to improvement of attention and memorisation of words according to their similar meanings, as well as the words which are not associated by a string of logic.
Instruction: You will be shown a puzzle from different pieces. Making logical steps by means of the mouse, collect a puzzle by having made as few steps as possible.
This exercise conduces to perception and intelligence training. You improve your holistic comprehension of a subject instead of seeing its separate fragments. You will be able to think over advance steps towards solutions.
Instruction: The objective is to deliver an orange rectangle to the target marked by an orange strip at the top of the workspace. Make logical steps by means of the mouse. It is possible to move vertical blocks only down, but horizontal blocks - across.
The exercise conduces to training of logic and thinking. You will improve your ability to assess a situation properly and to find a correct solution of the issue. You train the ability to discover the main factors determining development of a situation.
Instruction: You will be shown a row of figures. Remember them. Enter all figures that you have remembered using a white-space character. Then press Enter or Result. The order of entering is not important. Enter the figures you have remembered.
This technique trains rote and attention to details. You improve the ability to retain information in your memory at a time. Development of this type of memory enables to suggest professional suitability to such spheres of action as exact sciences, accountancy, economics, statistics.
Instruction: Read through the table attentively, marking the necessary letters by pressing a white-space character.
Navigate the table by pressing the letter "D" or a right-arrow key.
By means of this technique you train your attention span and intensity. You improve your ability to perceive and discover new aspects and associations in a certain subject which you focus on.
Instruction: One-by-one you will be shown 5 tables of 25 cells; in each of these cells there will be randomly placed figures with sequential steps. It is necessary to attentively mark numbers in the necessary order by clicking the mouse. Try to do it as quickly as possible and without mistakes.
This technique conduces to improving the ability to keep in memory and in focus of attention some subjects which are not associated by a string of logic. You will become multi-tasking quite easily.
Training of this skill gives the possibility to carry on negotiations and to prepare a documentation package for tomorrow's meeting at the same time, to speak on the telephone and to make breakfast. Such a skill is very useful to managers, project developers, traffic controllers, drivers, pilots and etc.
Instruction: One-by-one you will be shown random figures from 0 up to 9.
Focus your attention! When you see an even number, press a right-arrow key (or D); when you see an odd number, press a left-arrow key (or А).
This exercise conduces to improvement of attention span. By training attention span you lengthen duration of attention focusing on one group of objects. You improve the ability of prolonged focusing your attention on performance of the same task.
Instruction: You will be shown a short story. Some words and figures in the text are highlighted; they are associated by a string of logic. Different amount of time is given for memorising the story. When the text disappears from the screen, you should enter the whole text which you have remembered from the story without losing its meaning.
The technique conduces to training of logical thinking and memory, increasing the amount of information which retains in memory after logical processing. Training of this kind of memory gives a chance to remember and use large volumes of information.
Instruction: One-by-one you will be shown couples of words which are associated by a string of logic. Remember them. You should enter the disappeared word.
After entering each word it is necessary to press the Enter key or the Answer button.
The technique conduces to improvement of associative memory, increasing the amount of associated by a string of logic information which retains in memory. You train the ability to connect words and key concepts according to your suggested associations. It will help you to increase memory and recall rate.
Instruction: You will be shown 4 pictures. You should look at them carefully and find connection among these pictures, then by clicking the mouse you should specify which of the presented pictures is odd. You should make your choice as quickly as possible.
This technique trains the ability of generalization and one of the main functions of thinking that is abstraction. You improve the ability to mentally define essential features distilling necessary things from all information.
Instruction: You will be shown a certain number of words with sounded pronunciation. Remember them! Then enter the words that you have remembered. The order of entering is not important. After entering each word it is necessary to press the Enter key or the Answer button.
This exercise conduces to improvement of memorising words, listening comprehension of the text whose words are associated by a string of logic or are not associated by anything common. It improves aural perception of information (for example, at lectures, meetings, workshops and etc.).
Instruction: You will be shown the clock face and hands. Your task is to define hours and minutes, which clock hands show, and to mark right figures on a scale of hours and minutes. For the task performance you are given different amount of time.
This method of perception training conduces to improvement of spatial orientation. You train the skill to visualize a subject. You will be able to mentally make subject rotation or movement round its axis. Having applied attentiveness you will be able to easily analyse drawings.
Instruction: Think and make the following actions: move a red box into a blue one by controlling an orange square and having made as few steps as possible. The control is made by arrows or buttons W,A,S,D on the keypad.
The technique improves your out-of-the-box thinking. It trains the ability to find new approaches and out-of-the-box solutions in any situations. It gives you a chance to solve the necessary task by using several different approaches.
Instruction: For some time you will be shown pictures. You should remember the pictures and their layout. You should open the paired pictures by having made as few steps as possible.
By means of this technique you improve the skill of memorising information or the read text. It conduces to improvement of focusing your attention, information memorising and learning (poems, scientific texts and etc.).
Instruction: On the screen one-by-one you will be shown two-figure numbers. Remember them! After a sound signal enter the figures that you have remembered using a white-space character. The order of entering is not important.
The exercise trains rote. It conduces to improvement of retaining a set of numbers in memory. There can be numbers of houses and apartments of relatives and friends, dates of their birthdays. It can also be numbers of statistics, charts and various important phone numbers.
Instruction: One-by-one you will be shown pictures. Remember them. After disappearance of the shown pictures there will be a table of several figures. By means of the mouse you should mark the pictures which you have remembered.
The technique develops logic and thinking. It conduces to creation of spatial patterns and their usage in the course of solving practical and theoretical tasks.
Instruction: Attention! After a sound signal you will be shown a temporary field where some subjects are located. You should remember their layout. Then by means of the mouse you should mark the layout of the subjects which you have remembered.
This exercise conduces to training of focusing attention on an object, as well as diverting from all other activities. Improvement of this skill increases the volume of information which you are capable to perceive keeping high attention span. During training you will be able to analyse some sources at the same time, for example, in the process of writing an essay or research paper. You will not need to refer to the same textbook for several times as you will be able to keep all necessary thoughts in memory thanks to your attention.
Instruction: You will be shown faces of persons. Remember them. Your task is to recognize the disappeared face from the offered below by having specified the necessary one by means of the mouse.
During studying by this technique you improve the memory in the sphere of recognition of the face of the person who you saw one or two times. You improve the process of defining general and specific features involuntarily, perceiving them in environment.
Instruction: You should logically consider your steps and join squares of one colour with lines of the same colour by means of the mouse so that the lines do not cut each other. For the task performance you are given a certain amount of time.
The technique conduces to training of logical thinking. It improves the ability to quickly perceive a situation and make a decision, having collected and considered all details of the issue.
Instruction: You are given three rods, on one of which rings are strung, and the rings differ in size; small rings are on big ones. The task is to move a pyramid of rings to the third rod by means of the mouse using mimimum moves.
At the time it is allowed to move only one ring, and it is impossible to put a bigger ring on the smaller one.
This technique is aimed at the development of planning and ability to define a remedy under the circumstances. The technique covers all aspects of development of human cognitive skills, i.e. spatial, associative and analytical thinking; it develops headpiece, attention and trains memory and speed of perception.
Instruction: You will be shown a drawing with figures which are associated by a string of logic. One figure is absent, and at the bottom of the picture the necessary element is given among other figures. Your task is to determine the consistent pattern joining the figures in the drawing, and to click on the correct figure from the offered options.
This technique involves eye-mindedness. You improve the ability to use various images and visualisation during solving tasks. It conduces to the fullest reconstruction of various actual characteristics of a subject. You train the skill to see a subject from a number of angles at the same time.
Instruction:By means of the keypad control the hero of the task and correctly place all boxes on final positions marked by a blue colour having made as few steps as possible. Don't forget that all boxes can be moved only forward. Consider and count the steps.
This exercise develops logic and imagination. It improves the ability to estimate and perceive incidence of conditions on the situation development. You train the skill of assessment of the whole situation instead of its parts.
Instruction:It is necessary to fill the free cells with necessary figures that in each line, in each column and in each small rectangle each figure is met only once.
This exercise develops memory, logical thinking and helps concentration. It is useful for brain building and its maintenance fighting fit at any age. The exercise develops the ability to see not one thing, but the whole object, to create a string of logic among details.
Instruction: For some moments the sky and some scattered dots-stars will appear. You should choose the number corresponding to quantity of the shown stars.
The exercise conduces to training of the ability to keep, perceive and reproduce the current information necessary for performance of one or another action.
Instruction:Think over your steps and by means of the mouse locate lines so that they do not cut each other, having made as few steps as possible.
With the help of this exercise you improve the ability to perceive and assess a situation as well as to make a correct decision. It conduces to carrying-out of an analysis of the situation and choosing of the best option of actions under present circumstances.
Instruction: It is necessary to recognize identical letters. You should select a small square by clicking the mouse; in this square the letter appears and is pronounced, then you select other small square, and other letter appears and is pronounced. You should perform this task by having made as few steps as possible. If letters match, small squares disappear.
The exercise conduces to development of aural memory and listening comprehension of information. You improve the ability to quickly and precisely remember the implication of events, to intercept sounds of the world around, logic of reasoning or evidence, meaning of the read text and etc.
Instruction: You are offered a part of a numerical series. In this series numbers have a certain sequence. You should analyse this sequence and continue the series with necessary numbers using a white-space character. For the task performance you are given different amount of time.
This technique conduces to training of analytical perception and also has a beneficial effect on intelligence. You improve the ability to distinguish and analyse details first of all so that later to move to integrity of an image, a subject, information and etc.. It conduces to training of carrying out the ratio of the analysis of separate details to conclusions.
Instruction: You will be shown 3 running tasks with moving figures.
Your task is to add these figures in a minimum of time. Then you should enter the obtained result and press the Continue or Enter button.
This technique conduces to development of a complex of skills. By activating brain building it affects other areas responsible for attention concentration, environmental perception and memorisation of the key information.
Instruction: Before you there is a figure. You should decide how to divide it up into identical parts.
This technique involves intellectual abilities of a person. It conduces to development of combinatory skills such as placement, rearrangement, combination, composition, splitting of elements and information. It improves and enhances mental processing speed. It conduces to development of the concept of symmetry.
Instruction: Your task is to rotate blocks that consist of big multi-coloured triangles with the mouse by adding figures with an area of not less than the sum of the areas of four small triangles (one big triangle is considered as two small triangles). For the task performance you are given a certain amount of time. The task is finished when there are not any rotated blocks on the playground. If there are no options for collecting figures, you can complete the level again or finish the task. The control is by means of the mouse.
This technique conduces to training of perception and colour definition. It improves perception of the form of objects influencing further calculation of areas of various values from the given things. The exercise also involves logical thinking that conduces to improving of overall performance and prediction of a further outcome of a situation.
Instruction: Before you there is a picture; below it there are objects which contain fragments of this picture. You should find suitable places for these objects on the main picture and move them there by means of the mouse. Be attentive as the whole fragment should match the picture quite precisely.
With the help of this exercise you train and improve your attention concentration. You improve the ability to focus your attention as long as possible in case of studying and perceiving something new.
Instruction: In the table you should find a certain number of words; with each level this number of words will increase. Your task is to find these words as quickly as possible, and to enter them. The words could be located vertically, horizontally and diagonally, and could be read from left to right and top to bottom. The order of words input is as follows: type the found word and press Enter. To finish the test press the Finish button.
This exercise conduces to training of attention and improving the ability to quickly perceive and to unmistakably define from surroundings that object which is necessary for you. By taking regular training you will have no feeling of hindrance which prevents you to carry out a task. This attention is necessary in such professions as analysts, investigators, operators of various technical devices and etc.
Instruction: For a while you will be shown images with ornaments. During the allowed time it is necessary to recognize the image which is identical with a big image and to mark it by means of the mouse. The images can be turned upside down and shown in mirroring.
If you have mistakenly selected a wrong option, the image will be marked by a red colour.
This exercise trains spatial thinking and perception of a situation. It conduces to finding of a specific decision or identification of package of measures which will lead to the way out of a certain situation.
Instruction: For a certain time you are shown "the face of a person". It is necessary to quickly and correctly make his/her portrait by means of the mouse having selected suitable features from the offered options.
With the help of this exercise you train memorising of visual images, paying attention to the smallest details, and afterwards you can precisely retrace and reproduce these images. It conduces to development of the skill of logical processing, i.e. the ability to define the main idea and key concepts of a specific material. This process will give you the possibility to compress the learnt material that leaves space for additional information.